Stand and Deliver Resources
Part D: Going Forward
In this section you'll find a list of the exercises and links that we referred to throughout these resources, as well as some extras. You can also share your experiences with us so that we can use your stories to encourage others who are stepping into preaching.
D1. Links to resources
Here are the links that we've referenced throughout these resources, as well as some extras (will be updated throughout the year).
About preaching generally...
Podcast episodes: 30 Rules for the Global Hillsong Preaching and Teaching Team - part one and part two (49 mins total listening) (specific to Hillsong but has some tips applicable to all)
Article: 'The danger in loving preaching too much' by Mike Frost (947 words)
Resources relating to understanding and managing nerves
TED-Ed Lesson: 'The science of stage fright' by Mikael Cho (4 min video + short article with links)
Article: 'The Stress Response' by Saul McLeod (short science-y article)
TIME Article: 'The Two Faces of Anxiety' by Alice Park (long read)
TED Talk: 'How to make stress your friend' by Kelly McGonigal (14 mins)
Article: 'Famous figures share tips for managing stage fright' by Ken Sterling (867 words)
Harvard study: 'Get excited - Re-appraising pre-performance anxiety as excitement' (15 pages)
Resources relating to sermon preparation
Sermonsmith podcast - interviews with various preachers about sermon preparation (some of these have long intro sections where they talk about their church and their personal history, so if you're in a rush try skipping to around the 20 minute mark)
Soundcloud: Loud and Clear Session 1 - Preparation, by Ali Martin (33 minutes)
Article: 'What to preach when you don't know what to preach' by Joel A'Bell for Hillsong Leadership Network (360 words) (deciding on content)
Video: Loud and Clear Session 1 - Preparation, by Ali Martin (33 minutes)
Video: Loud and Clear Session 2 - Having a focus, by Ali Martin (50 minutes)
Video: Loud and Clear Session 3 - Foundations, by Ali Martin (30 minutes)
Video: Loud and Clear Session 4 - Structure, by Ali Martin (52 minutes)
Video: Loud and Clear Session 5 - Delivery, by Ali Martin (40 minutes)
Video: Billy Graham on Sermon Preparation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1982 (8 minutes)
Further links to come.
Resources relating to public speaking skills
Further links to come.
The lighter side
Because while preaching is serious business, it's nice not to take ourselves too seriously!
Babylon Bee Sermon Generator (click a button and voila: it gives you a sermon title and three points ready to go!)
Blog post: 'What you look like to the preacher' by Tom French
Article: 'Top 20 most embarrassing preaching stories' via Ministry Pass (people willingly sharing their cringe-worthy preaching moments!)