Preaching Community: Home

Shaping hearts. Building skills. Gathering support.

About us

The Redhill Preaching Community is a gathering of people from our church community who are currently preaching, who are interested in preaching, or who want to improve in public speaking generally.

In 2017 we started a series of get-togethers every few months where we helped each other shape our hearts, build our skills and establish a support base for us to draw feedback, encouragement and ideas. It has been so encouraging to see new preachers step out and bring insightful and edifying teaching to our church community.

For notes from our previous get-togethers check out Preaching Community: The Journey.

Going forward, we are scaling back our get-togethers to 1-2 gatherings per year. In between, Brent will work with beginner preachers (or teams) to provide support and encouragement in their preaching prep.

Stand and Deliver resources

This is a curation of resources which reflect some of the discussion topics in our get-togethers. These resources will be built up progressively throughout the year, and include stuff to read, videos to watch, links to podcasts and other articles and blogs. Check them out here...

Topics covered so far include:

Topics still to come:

  • More on preparation

  • Different structures and styles

  • Developing content

  • Physical aspects (hands, body, voice)

  • Use of technology and visual aids

  • Dealing with distractions

  • Thinking on your feet

Check out what we've got so far...

Recommended resource

'Loud and Clear' by Ali Martin

Ali Martin

Ali Martin

'Loud and Clear' is a bunch of resources in different formats by Ali Martin from Soul Survivor UK. Ali teaches on a range of aspects of preaching, from preparation to unpacking the Bible to the 'speaking' part. We will refer to the 'Loud and Clear' resources regularly when we meet together. 

Get the book here: ebook / paperback 

Watch the videos here 

Listen to podcast episodes: we'll refer to these throughout our Stand and Deliver resources.

Want to join?

For further information or if you want to come along, contact us or chat to Jill or Brent on Sundays.