Women preach in our church and in many, many churches around the world. 

"But doesn't the Bible say...?"

There are some theological views that interpret certain passages in the Bible to mean that women shouldn't preach or teach. On this page are some resources to help explain why we and many other churches permit, encourage and celebrate women preaching. Most of these resources are also about women in leadership generally.  

This page isn't a comprehensive coverage of 'all sides' of this issue. It is for people who want to know why we and others do encourage women to preach, not an explanation of why others don't. There are plenty of other resources out there to support an alternative view to our own, and if you want to do more research on the counter-arguments we can point you in that direction.

Nor is this page a homogenous wall of opinion - some of these authors and speakers will differ in their opinions on various matters, and we don't necessarily agree with everyone listed on everything they say! But this list is a helpful starting point as you engage with this topic, asking the Spirit to guide you along the way. 

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Four content options, depending on what suits you…

Listen and watch

Podcast episode: 'Women in Leadership' by Ali Martin at Soul Survivor Sydney 2017 (46 mins)

Ali Martin is on the leadership for Soul Survivor ministries and is one of the pastors of Soul Survivor Watford. In this seminar (targeted at youth and young adults), Ali explains why Soul Survivor supports women in leadership (and in preaching), looking in particular at some women mentioned in the new testament.

Video: 'Women and Ministry, Part 2' by Dr Ben Witherington for Seven Minute Seminary (7 minutes). Also available on podcast here.

Dr Witherington is Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary and on the doctoral faculty at St. Andrews University in Scotland. In this succinct lesson he provides an overview of 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2. Available on both YouTube and podcast.

Book and Webinar: Holding Up Half the Sky’ by Graham Hill

Rev. Graham Joseph Hill is the the State leader of Baptist Mission Australia (Western Australia). He was previously Assoc. Professor of Global Christianity at Stirling Theological College (University of Divinity) in Melbourne. In the book Graham offers an introductory biblical case for women teaching and leading in the church. It offers both insight into relevant biblical texts as well as practical advice for how churches can encourage women in leadership today. To accompany the book, Graham has released a 48min webinar summarising its content, which you can access from his website.

Podcast episode: 'Theology of Empowering Women' by Kris Vallotton (52 minutes)

Kris Vallotton is one of the leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California and this talk was given at one of their Sunday morning gatherings. Kris gives an overview of the historical and cultural context of some of the Bible's references to women and specifically unpacks 1 Corinthians 14. Similar to the content in his book 'Fashioned to Reign'.

Quick reads

Website: Marg Mowczko

Marg Mowczko (BTh, MA Christian and Jewish Studies) is a writer and teacher whose website contains a variety of short but meaty articles packed with biblical and linguistic references, many focusing on biblical studies around women in ministry, gender and women in the Bible. For example, see her short article ‘1 Timothy 2:12 in a Nutshell’ where she summarises her findings on this passage regarding women preaching, and ‘The Means of Ministry: Gifts, Grace, Faith…Gender?’ where she explores whether Paul restricted ministry activities based on gender.

Website: Fuller Seminary on Women in Ministry

Fuller is a prominent theological college in the US. This is their page on their stance regarding women in ministry, including in the areas of teaching and leadership. Includes reading material on the biblical basis for women in ministry, as well as links to videos of various academics and pastors speaking on this issue.

Article: 'But What About Timothy 2:12? 10 Talking Points' by Gail Wallace for the Junia Project (1500 words)

Gail Wallace, PhD, is co-founder of the Junia Project, an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University, and an adult education consultant. This post suggests ten questions to throw into the conversation when discussing the passage in 1 Timothy 2 “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet....", to help us think through issues of context, translation and application. Includes links to other resources throughout.

Longer articles and short books

Article: 'Women, Preaching, the Bible and 1 Timothy 2' by Rev. Dr Melinda Cousins via Fixing Her Eyes (6,000 words).

Dr Cousins is an ordained Baptist pastor, preacher, theologian, lecturer and works for Baptist Churches of SA overseeing training and accrediting of pastors. She unpacks 1 Timothy 2, with reference to the new kingdom, new creation, women in the scriptures and the calling and gifting of the Holy Spirit.

Book: ‘Bourgeois Babes, Bossy Wives, and Bobby Haircuts by Michael Bird

Dr Michael Bird is the Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne. In this short book (only 58 pages!) he explores some of the key biblical texts about gender and women in ministry, with summaries of both complimentarian and egalitarian viewpoints.

Article: 'Was Paul For or Against Women in Ministry?' by Craig Keener via Seedbed (3,184 words)

Craig Keener is Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary and an author. He gives an overview of the passages in Paul's letters that relate to women in ministry, including his affirmations of women, restrictions on women, head coverings and silence. Includes footnotes with links to other resources.

Conference paper: 'Women's Service in the Church: The Biblical Basis' by Bishop Dr N. T. Wright (7,800 words)

N.T. Wright is senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall at the University of Oxford, and author and former Bishop of Durham. He is one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and a world authority on the apostle Paul. In this paper Dr Wright looks at Galatians 3, the Gospels and Acts, 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy 2. He is speaking to the UK cultural context rather than the American cultural context, and he notes this distinction.

Full books

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Book: 'Two Views on Women in Ministry' edited by Zondervan - Kindle or paperback

This book provides two primary views on women in ministry so you can better understand each one’s strengths, weaknesses, and complexities. Each view—egalitarian (equal ministry opportunity for both genders) and complementarian (ministry roles differentiated by gender)—is represented by two contributors. Each author states his or her case and is then critiqued by the other contributors. With Stanley N. Gundry, James R. Beck, Linda L. Belleville, Craig L. Blomberg, Craig S. Keener and Thomas R. Schreiner.

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Book: 'Paul, Women and Wives' by Craig Keener - Kindle or paperback

Craig Keener is Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary. This book looks at the historical, lexical, cultural, and exegetical details behind Paul's words about women in the home and ministry. Originally published 1992 - the ebook has an additional extensive preface written in 2004. 

Book: 'The Blue Parakeet - Rethinking How You Read the Bible' by Scot McKnight - Kindle or paperback

Scot (PhD Nottingham) is Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois and the author of more than fifty books. This book is about hermeneutics (how to read the Bible), but he uses the topic of women in ministry as a case study throughout.

Book and Webinar: Holding Up Half the Sky’ by Graham Hill

Rev. Graham Joseph Hill is the the State leader of Baptist Mission Australia (Western Australia). He was previously Assoc. Professor of Global Christianity at Stirling Theological College (University of Divinity) in Melbourne. In the book Graham offers an introductory biblical case for women teaching and leading in the church. It offers both insight into relevant biblical texts as well as practical advice for how churches can encourage women in leadership today. To accompany the book, Graham has released a 48min webinar summarising its content, which you can access from his website.

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Book: 'Powerful and Free: Confronting the Glass Ceiling for Women in the Church' by Danny Silk - Kindle or paperback

Danny Silk is part of the leadership of Bethel Church and Jesus Culture, and is the president and co-founder of 'Loving on Purpose' ministries. This book doesn't purport to be theological treatise on the biblical case for female leaders, but is an appeal and challenge for men and women to embrace female and male leadership in the church.

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