Kids on Sundays

Preschool and Primary School

During school terms, kids start with the grown-ups in the main room for announcements, communion and singing. They then go into another room for Kids’ Church where they learn about God, play games, do craft and sometimes sing and dance.

Kids’ Church is run by volunteers who are known to our church leadership team and who have an ACT Working With Vulnerable People card and complete a Safe Ministries training course. Interested in helping out? Get in touch to find out how you can join the team!

During school holidays, kids are welcome to stay in the main room with the adults for the service. We usually set up some toys, colouring or activity sheets at the back of the room.

Babies and toddlers

There is space at the back of our main room for babies and toddlers to hang out, supervised by their parents.

There is a changing space in the accessible toilet.

Social story

If it helps, you can download our simple social story to help your child prepare for their visit to Redhill Kids. If there are things about your child that we should know to help them enjoy their time here, don’t hesitate to reach out via any of our channels.

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Child safety

Our kids leaders hold WWVP cards and undertake Safe Ministries training. For any queries on child safety contact us.

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