What to expect on a Sunday
Visiting our Sunday gathering? Here's what you can expect:
We meet in Lyons, in the Lyons Church of Christ building: corner Launceston and Melrose, Lyons (map).
Parking: Enter carpark via Marrawah Street.
Venue accessibility: There are two disability parking spaces, ramp access into the building, and it’s flat inside. There is an accessible bathroom.
Kid facilities: There are separate indoor spaces for kids during our gatherings. One is carpeted with lounges. Access to a kitchen. Changing bench available in the accessible bathroom. Note that our outdoor area is not fenced, so please keep an eye on your kids when they are outside.
Click here for further details on our venue including map and bus information.
3.30pm - Afternoon tea.
3.45pm - Announcements, worship, communion, teaching and prayer. We don't necessarily do things in the same order each week.
5.00pm - Finish
Afterwards - Sometimes we invite people to stay on for a simple dinner (e.g. pizza, soup). On other weeks, our young adults will sometimes head out for dinner.
We love to worship through song, and we make it a priority when we meet together. We encourage everyone to stand and sing together as we believe our 'together' worship is significant. But please know that you have the freedom to sit, stand, lie down, dance, write, draw or whatever!
We sing songs from a wide variety of sources - to get a taste for the songs we sing check out our Redhill Church: Songs We Sing playlist on Spotify.
Song lyrics are displayed on a screen. Sometimes we might sing things that aren't on the screen; this means we are just going with the flow and singing to God whatever is on our hearts. Sometimes we are quiet for a while; this means we're reflecting or praying or waiting to get a sense of what God might be saying to us in that moment.
Every week we eat some bread and drink red juice as a symbolic way of remembering what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. We try to explain a little bit about that each week before we eat and drink.
If you want to reflect on what Jesus has done for you then you are welcome to take communion with us, regardless of your church or denominational background. If you'd rather not take it that's fine; feel free to use that moment to reflect in your own way.
We hear from a range of speakers, including Brent our pastor as well as a variety of women and men in the church. Sometimes we do a teaching series over several weeks, looking at a topic or a portion of the Bible. Sometimes it’s a single message for that week. Sometimes we break off into discussion groups to read a passage together and talk a bit about it. A few times a year we do ‘Sit in a Psalm’ where someone leads us in a short reflection on a Psalm, then we spend time responding through art, writing, music, prayer or discussion.
Sometimes the person up the front will pray for something on our behalf, or sometimes we all pitch in and pray for each other.
We often close our eyes because it helps us focus, but you don't have to close your eyes or adopt a certain position in order to pray with us.
For kids in pre-school and primary school, we have a simple supervised program during term time. We usually invite the kids stay in the big room for the announcements, communion and worship songs, then take them out for kids' church during the sermon. During school holidays we keep the kids in the main room and provide some activity sheets and toys at the back.
For younger kids, they are welcome to play in the space at the back of the main room for the duration of the church gathering, or parents/carers can bring them out to visit the kids’ church (must remain supervised by a parent/carer).
We understand the reality of having little kids at church and we are used to the mild chaos that comes with them! We are used to babies crying, kids running around, mums breastfeeding…
Parking and mobility: There are two disability parking spaces, ramp access into the building, and it’s flat inside.
Bathroom and other facilities: There is an accessible bathroom. There is a full kitchen with microwave.
Spaces: The main room where we do most things is carpeted with air-con and heating. There are a couple of separate spaces in the building if you need them - we are happy to show you around when you arrive.
Social story: If it helps, you can download this simple social story for kids to help prepare them for their visit and for their participation in kids church.
Your requirements: If you are visiting us and would like some extra information beforehand, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via any of our channels.
Get in touch
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