About Karis and Noom
Karis and Noom are friends of ours who work with children, youth and families in the Ubon region of northern Thailand. Check out some of what they get up to in the following vlogs, as well as previous news updates below.
VLOG 1: Around the House
VLOG 2: Around the House + Glimpse of Eliyah's School
VLOG 3: Around the Farm + Extras
VLOG 4: Our Surroundings
VLOG 5: Children and youth work
UPDATE NOVEMBER 2015: Gift registry
Want to give to those in need this Christmas and not sure of the best way to help?
Karis and Noom have set up something similar to a gift registry, to help them get supplies they need for their ministry in their village and the Ubon region. The registry includes items in order of priority, pricing and details on how to give. View the gift registry on their blog...
UPDATE AUGUST 2015: Australia visit
We're in Australia!
It's still hard to believe that we're here, but the cool weather reminds us when we think we're just imagining it ;) We want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all those who have helped us get here for both of my (Karis) brothers' weddings. Through our family and friends we saw $2,600 come in for return plane tickets for our family of four and tickets to Canberra to do a renewal of my driver's license and visit friends and churches (a 2-week mini furlough). We are so grateful to be here in Australia with my family for this time and wanted to make the most of our trip by getting other important things done in Canberra too. However, we are hoping and praying to be visiting somewhere else in Australia during this short trip!! Please see below for more information and to see how you can be a part.
We had a really blessed time at the YWAM Thailand conference 2 weeks before we came to Australia. We were both reminded of our original calling to Isaan and refreshed in our walk with God after a huge 6 months full of transitions and starting a new ministry in the village. However, we are not ready to stop there! We feel the need for more spiritual food before we go back to Thailand next month and are praying for the chance to be able to go to Townsville for a YWAM Together conference from 7-13 September. We have already registered for the conference and reserved a room at a nearby hotel, but still need to raise a large amount of finances to cover flights there from Canberra and then back to Melbourne, food and transport for our time in both Canberra and Townsville, and to pay the hotel in Townsville. We have considered not going because of the extra costs it would require but really felt led to trust in God and allow Him to stretch our faith. Please pray with us about this and contact us if you would like to be involved in sending us.
Depending on how God provides, our schedule for our time in Australia will be as follows:
16-24 August - In Melbourne for Tim and Gabby's wedding
25 August - Travel to Canberra
25 August - 7 September - In Canberra catching up with friends, possibly sharing at church and getting important errands done (renewal of driver's license, applying for a new visa for Thailand, etc.). If our Canberran friends would like to catch up with us in this time please contact us asap!
7-13 September - In Townsville for YWAM Together conference
13-20 September - In Melbourne for Matt and Eun's wedding
20-21 September - Travel back to Thailand
When we arrive back in Thailand we're planning to send out a second half of this update (more about the ministry and how we are going in the village) so please look out for that towards the end of September! Until then, please see a video we recently posted on our Facebook page (Piawongs with YWAM Thailand) that shows a little bit of our life in the village!
Want to know more about Karis and Noom? Check out their blog.