Join the adventure!

Our kids are part of our church community just as much as our big people! You can play a part in leading and loving this next generation. Together we can help them see, love and follow Jesus, and for them to know we have their back every step of the way!

On this page you'll find information and resources for current and future kids ministry helpers. Want to know more? Speak to Candace or contact us.

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Why should I join the kids ministry team?

  • We need helpers! The more helpers we have, the more we can spread people out on the roster.

  • You will get to know these enthusiastic and dynamic members of our church community.

  • Jesus showed us how He loved and welcomed little children, and we can do the same!

  • Kids need a 'village' around them and as a church we can be that village!

  • Your own faith will be bolstered as you think through how to communicate God's truth in simple, fresh and creative ways.

  • You will have the opportunity to exercise and grow in your gifts.

What sort of people are needed?

  • People who don't think they are good with kids, but who are willing to give it a go!

  • People who love to play, have fun, be silly!

  • Creative and artistic types.

  • Great story-tellers and teachers.

  • Caring, nurturing and comforting types.

  • Great organisers and administrators.

  • Practical helpers who can set up, clean up, sort things out.


What is involved?

Kids' church runs for one hour - usually starting around 4.00pm and finishing at 5.00pm.

Kids' church usually has a theme for the day, and generally includes a story/bible reading, a song, a game and/or a craft. It doesn't matter if it's simple or complicated - as long as the kids can go away having been noticed, heard and loved!

You will be rostered on approximately twice per term. You will be rostered on as a Teacher or a Helper.

The TEACHER will:

  • Plan the what you'll do (there will be a theme provided on the roster, and resources available on the team shared drive).

  • Organise any materials for craft, games, multimedia etc.

  • Communicate with your helper re: whether you need them to prepare or do anything.

  • Arrive by 2.45pm to set up.

  • Take the lead during kids' church, working with your helper.

  • With your helper, supervise the kids until the church gathering ends (usually 5.00pm).

  • With your helper, pack up and leave the room tidy.

The HELPER will:

  • Help the teacher with any preparation beforehand as necessary.

  • Help the teacher on the day as necessary.

  • With the teacher, supervise the kids until the church gathering ends (usually 5.00pm).

  • With the teacher, pack up and leave the room tidy.

Legal and safety requirements

For those rostered on as a TEACHER:

  • We know you and you are a committed member of our church community.

  • Have a current ACT Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) card.

  • Have completed a relevant safe ministries course (see below).

  • Have read and agreed to our child safety policy.

For those rostered on as a HELPER:

  • We know you and you are a committed member of our church community.

  • Have either a current ACT Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) card or NSW Working With Children Check (WWCC).

  • Have completed, or enrolled to complete, a relevant safe ministries course (see below).

  • Have read and agreed to our child safety policy.


It's free to apply as a volunteer. This card is essential for many child, youth and community roles in the ACT. 

While our standard legal requirement is the ACT WWVP card, if you are likely to be involved in ministry activities in NSW we recommend you also apply for a NSW Working With Children Check (WWCC). This may be required for camps or conferences that are held in NSW.

Safe ministries courses:

Already trained?

A range of churches and organisations run courses relating to child safety in a ministry context. Most are valid for 2-3 years. If you’ve undertaken any of these courses please show us your certificate of completion.

Get trained

If you have not yet completed a course, you will need to complete the Child Safe 90 minute online training course. We will cover the cost for our volunteers.



Weekly resources

Weekly resources (lesson plans, craft and game ideas) are available on our shared drive. For access talk to Candace.


Miscellaneous music and videos

Hillsong Kids Playlist:

Bethel Kids Playlist:

Austin Stone Worship Kids Playlist:

Veggie Tales YouTube Channel:

Further information

Want more info or assistance? We'd love to help! Speak to Candace or contact us.