We met on Zoom and took a moment to reflect together on this great day: Resurrection Sunday!
He is Risen!
When trouble comes, and it will (and it has), we don’t always have answers. What we do have is hope.
Our message is not that Christians don’t suffer, don’t die. Our message is not that people who love Jesus are spared the aches and pains of this world. Our message is not that all is easy, that everything feels wonderful, that we always get what we want.
Our message is not glossy. But our message is great.
Our message is this: We have a Saviour who has overcome death. Anyone - anyone! - who believes in Him will receive eternal life; joy that will last forever. The grave is not the end! Our earthly bodies will fail us and die, but because of Jesus and His death and resurrection, we can be with our Heavenly Father for all eternity.
We broke off into groups and read the below passages, and shared what stood out to us most:
We shared reflections on enduring suffering and living in hope and freedom, of being compelled to obedience and being amazed by grace. We were thankful for the perfect Fatherhood of God and for being made ‘alive’ in Christ.
Happy Easter!