Brent tells the story of Jesus healing the man born blind in John 9. We reflect on what we learn about Jesus from this healing miracle. Today, when we feel like we’ve lost sight, let’s look to Jesus who comes to us not just to point out sin, but to reveal the light.
Brent continues to explore the signs of Jesus in John’s gospel. This week: John 6:16-21 with Jesus walking on the water; another sign that points us to who Jesus is. In troubled times, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, for He is our hope! And in revealing who He is, He says “Don’t be afraid!”
With Brent we continue looking the signs of Jesus in John's gospel. In John 6, we see how Jesus faces the crowd, and how the disciples - even with little faith - in obedience face the crowd with Him.
Brent takes us through another sign of Jesus in John’s gospel; this time the healing at the pool of Bethesda in John 5:1-18. We reflect that Jesus sees you, Jesus knows you, and Jesus makes it personal.
Brent looks at the second sign of Jesus in John’s gospel, where an official comes to Jesus looking for a miracle, but ends up with something more. John 4:46-54.
Brent takes us through another ‘sign’ of Jesus in John’s gospel, where Jesus clears the temple. In these uncertain times, let’s keep fixing our eyes on Jesus and discovering who He is and what He’s about. Grab your bibles and open to John Chapter 2…
Brent talks us through the ‘first sign’ in John’s gospel, of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11). We look at a couple of significant features of this story, and reflect on how God might be working ‘in the background’ of our lives today.
Brent reflects on Jesus’ description of Himself as the Good Shepherd. Will we listen for His voice and respond to His leading? Open your Bible to John 10!
Jill leads us to reflect on the power of our words to reveal what’s in our heart and to reflect God’s heart to the world. Grab your Bibles and open Colossians 4:2-6.
Join Brent around the fire to reflect on Pentecost. We remember how the Holy Spirit is with us and in us, equipping and empowering us to know and proclaim Jesus today!
Near the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, when all the restrictions started coming into place, I felt like a lot of us felt: shell-shocked. I didn't realise it at the time, but that's what it was. Something new and strange was happening, something a little scary, too…