Christmas: Speak of the good

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Speak of the good // When Jesus was born, an angel appeared to the shepherds saying “I bring you good tidings (news) of great joy...” We sing of these world-changing ‘tidings’ in carols and speak of them in our Christmas reflections.

As we remember and sing of the spectacularly good news of Jesus, we can also celebrate the smaller yet still significant stories of God’s goodness, even in a tumultuous year. In our own church community in 2020 we have stories of new jobs, new homes, pregnancies, births, proposals, a wedding, personal breakthroughs and answers to prayer. 

This Christmas, around our tables and through our screens, let’s not only have a good vent about #2020 (and of course, we can do that!), but let’s also try to share good tidings; speaking of the good things - big and small - that we are thankful for!

🎵 Check out this laid back ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ by Rend Collective on our Christmas playlist. Song: / Whole playlist:

📷 Christmas park hangs, December 2020.