Education Sponsorships

through Mercy Link in the Philippines

Our story


One day in 2006 we walked out the front door of our home in the Philippines and saw dozens of children playing outside. While we loved to see children having fun, the scene before us begged the question: why weren’t they in school?

From this question an idea was born: to create sponsorships to provide education for children and youth of the Philippines living in poverty, so that they can realise their potential, provide for their families and benefit their communities. From small beginnings, the program has grown to see hundreds of students sponsored by people from seven countries.

You’re invited to join us in the adventure of transforming lives, and to celebrate with these young people as they step into a brighter future.

The need

a student signing her sponsorship agreement

Education is recognised as a key component in improving quality of life for people around the world. In the Philippines, unemployment is high and the job market very competitive. Education is key in helping young people secure an income for their families and invest their skills back into their communities.

“I saw first-hand the tangible difference these kids make to their families by completing school. As subsistence farmers for the most part, having someone in the family with the capacity to make a living outside of the family farm makes a huge difference to the quality of life of these families.” Fi, Australian Sponsor

While public education in the Philippines is inexpensive by our standards, the cost of school fees, uniforms, stationery, projects and other supplies can be insurmountable for families already struggling to feed their children.

Your part

students with their supplies purchased through sponsorship

You can transform a child’s future by helping them attend school with their peers. Here’s how:

Elementary (Primary) or High School: $110-176* per year. Your sponsorship covers school fees, uniforms, stationery, projects and other supplies.

Tertiary or Vocational: $600-$1500* per year. Your sponsorship covers course fees, textbooks, uniforms and other course requirements.

* School costs vary by grade (year level). Tertiary costs vary based on individual circumstances depending on the expenses of their chosen course. Note that the Philippines school year is August to July. Costs are usually made as a one-off payment. Further information on costs is available from the Sponsorship Coordinators.


a graduating student

“Every year I receive a new bag, slippers, umbrella, school uniforms, stationery and payment for my contributions at school. My family can’t afford those things. Without this I won’t be able to achieve my dream of being educated.” Angel, elementary school

“You give me hope and encourage me to study harder than before to reach my dreams. If I finish my study and find a job, I want to be like you and help others to reach their dreams too.” Erica, high school

“My two daughters are now studying in Community Vocational School. I thank God for giving sponsors for my children. It’s really a big help to a mother like me who’s working hard for the education of my children.” Antonia, mother

“My dream to become an educated person won’t be possible without God’s help and those people who support me. I am thankful that I will have a better future and will be able to help my family.” Camille, high school

Get involved

angel parr, director mercy link philippines, with sponsorship students

Talk to the Australian sponsorship coordinators Gary and Narelle Barkley. Get in touch with them by contacting Redhill Church and we will connect you.

“We are so grateful for ongoing support and sponsorship from so many generous and caring people. Your involvement in this special and dedicated program changes hearts, lives, communities and impacts futures.” Angelita G Parr, Director Mercy Link Philippines